Thursday, October 22, 2009

Parker is 5 months old!!

Parker is 5 months today!!! I am amazed how much time flies! I know I say that every time but it is true. Let's see...what has changed over the past month...a lot!!


has two bottom teeth that are poking through his gums

has hair that is coming back in a very light brown

eats rice cereal and carrots at night and loves it

has discovered his feet and wants to grab them every time I change his diaper
weighs 18.11 lbs!

loves to hear himself make noise

still HATES tummy time and refuses to rollover. I think he may be one of those babies that doesn't roll over and goes straight to sitting up on his own

doesn't like to be rocked to sleep very often, he would rather lay down in his crib and rub his face with his blanket

loves to play peek a boo

goes to bed around 9 and sleeps until 7

takes about a 3 hour nap in the morning and about a 2 hour one in the afternoon

loves his bath time

He is so much fun and literally changes everyday!! Happy 5 months Parker...we can't wait to see what new things you do these next few months! We love you very much!!
(Sorry that there are very few pictures, we took these at 9:30 at night and he was ready for bed! We did manage to get a few good smiles!)

Friday, October 16, 2009


One night Parker thought the Beagles were hilarious! We tried to capture him laughing at them as best we could. We are excited he is finally noticing them. We think once he is older they will be best buds. Please excuse my attire!! Ha!

Monday, October 12, 2009

My Little Pumpkin!

Saturday my Mom and I took Parker to the pumpkin patch at a church here in Arlington. It was really cold but he loved it!! If you notice he is not smiling in any of the pictures, he was to amused by all the kids and bright colors. I just love this time of year!!
My little pumpkin

Trying to get him to sit up was a challenge!

He kept dropping this pumpkin because it was too heavy for him...he really wanted to eat it! ;)

GiGi and Mr. P
If I had put him down he would have been at the 2!

Laughing with Mommy

I love this little guy!

Happy Fall!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Parker's First Feeding

Parker had his first taste of rice cereal this week! He loves it!! It only took a couple of times before he got the hang of it. It has been so much fun introducing him to new things.

First bite!

Yumm...that's tasty!

Dad this stuff is good!

I love it!

My tummy is full...

and I am sleepy...