Saturday, August 14, 2010

Mr. P!

The HOT Texas weather has kept us in these past few weeks.  We just hang out at home and let Mr. P run all over the house.  He is now running instead of walking.  Loves to play peek-a-boo with Mommy and Daddy, and loves to chase the dogs.  He is still a great eater especially with snack food.  He had a Popsicle the other night (picture below) and he loved it.  I couldn't believe he ate the whole thing.  He now says thank you when you give him something he wants.  I am starting to be able to tell him what to do for example: time to go night night (he will walk to his bed), put on your shoes (will hold his foot up), want your milk? (he will go to the fridge), want to read a book? (he will go get you a book).  I love this age!! He goes to his 15th month checkup in a week so I will let you know how much our little guy has grown!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

A few more Colorado Pictures

I have been procrastinating finishing the blog about our trip...there are too many pictures! :)  Here is a snapshot blog of all the activities we did in Colorado.  I still wish we were there in the 60-80 degree heat rather than our 105 degree heat!  Here's to the close of summer and the beginning of my favorite season...Fall!
Watching Elmo!
We did TONS of puzzles!
Does anyone else have this problem with the new image uploading? Every time I have a hard time getting things to format the way I want to....anyone else experiencing this problem?? It won't let me delete or anything...frustrating!