Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Our 13 month old!

I know I have been a terrible blogger lately...we have been very busy! Last weekend was our first weekend to actually be home in about a month. We have spent a lot of time out at the lake on the weekends and loving every minute of it! Also between my full time job and now my Mary Kay job I stay pretty busy. My time at night is very precious and I want to spend every minute I can with my boys. Pictures to come after this weekend at the lake...I am sure we will take tons! I just wanted to update everyone on what Parker is up to these days :)

-He is officially WALKING everywhere!! He thinks he is such the big boy and doesn't want to be held...he is always on the go!

-Jabbers a lot but his few words are: Dog, Bubba, Mamma and Dada. Matt also taught him to say "aahhh" after he takes a's pretty cute! Of course he has a few made up words and we just go with it and play along.

-Points to everything and says "Dat" meaning..."what's that? He for some reason likes to do it right when he wakes his room changed overnight or something ;)

-Like to play hide and seek with his milk or snack. After he hides it from himself he will come crying to me like I took it...silly guy!

-His GiGi taught him to point to our nose when we ask him where it is.

-Still a pretty good eater...but if he doesn't like something there is no forcing him to eat it! Favorites right now are: chicken nuggets, blueberries, watermelon and peas.

-Still is in LOVE with Elmo! He likes to put his head on Elmo and then wait for us to say "Aww sweet Parker". He thinks it's a game. :)

-Every chance he gets to throw something off a table...he will do it. I have to be fast to catch him!

-He weighs 22 lbs (50%) and is 31 inches long (90%)

-Is becoming more cuddly at night before bed. I love rocking him even if it's for a few short minutes.

Our little guy is now a toddler and we love seeing his personality develop. Each day he learns something new and it just amazes me how much he soaks in. We have had a fun summer so far and we still have fun times ahead. This weekend we are going swimming with Parker for the first time in a big pool. Pictures will be posted later to show how he did...

Happy 4th Everyone! Be safe!

1 comment:

Team Hoff said...

Wow! It seems like Parker has changed a ton just since I saw him last month! It'll be great getting the boys together now that Parker can run around with Brooks.