Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving Round One

This Thanksgiving was such a relaxing one!  Usually we have to split Thanksgiving day between my family and Matt's family, but not this year!  We had Thanksgiving with my family on Thursday and Thanksgiving with Matt's family on Friday at the lake.  We had a lot of yummy food, watched a lot of football and had good quality family time.  Here are a few pictures from our weekend.
 Parker and Daddy eating yummy food!
 Clint and his normal spot on Thanksgiving
 Mom and Uncle Ricky finishing up the dishes before dinner time
 We all fit around ONE table this year...kind of sad because that meant we were missing a lot of family :(
 My Bubba being sweet
 Parker throwing his temper tantrum because I took Nana's cane away from him
Now he's a happy boy. 

1 comment:

Team Hoff said...

Parker is getting SO BIG! And he's only going to look bigger when the baby gets here.