Thursday, October 27, 2011

Our little Hamburger

First of all, Parker LOVES his pre-school.  He has learned so much since starting at RCCA and has had the best time.  We are lucky too because his teacher Ms. Katie is best friends with Amanda (Audrey's Mom) we get to see pictures of his day sometimes!  Thanks Amanda for letting me "take" these pictures! :)  Love them!
Parker dressed up as a Hamburger this year.  It was hilarious!!  He was all excited the night before school to dress in his costume.  When we got to school and got out of the car he wanted nothing to do with it until he saw other kids dressed up.  We thought that was hilarious!  Here he is with his class trick or treating other classrooms.
Parker absolutely loves the assistant director, Ms. Susan!! 
This picture cracks me up because he can't sit very well in his hamburger. 
Having fun playing  puzzles with his good friend Audrey!
Parker's pre-school class 2011
Love my little hamburger!
A treat that never happens...Matt and I were able to take Parker to school that day!
Sweet friends!


Mama Q said...

Ack! Too much cuteness in one post!!!!!!!!!!! I was laughing at Parker trying to sit in his costume, too. :)

Emily said...

A hamburger?? How cute is that? So adorable.