Monday, April 27, 2009

Pregnancy does funny things!

In the last couple of months I have noticed some significant changes about me that I find interesting and funny.
1. I get EXTREMELY hot...I used to freeze all the time to where I would have my floor heater on at work during the hot summer days!
2. My hair hardly sheds anymore. I used to have to sweep up the bathroom floor every couple of days.
3. Since being pregnant I don't have to shave my legs nearly as much. Maybe it has to do with not being cold all the time...who knows?!
4. My laugh has become very strange! When I laugh it sounds like a bark and then it makes me laugh harder! My husband and my co-workers find it very funny!
5. I surprisingly have not been an emotional mess like I thought I would be through these 9 months...I guess it's a relief from all those years on birth control! ;) I have been quite happy!

I am now 35 weeks and getting VERY anxious! Each baby I hold I think of how close I am to holding my own! I go to the doctor on Friday to get "checked" and to do my Hep B test so pray that everything goes OK. My schedule is clear, my bags are packed and the room is ready...all I need is my sweet baby! Thank you all for you love and support through this exciting time of our lives!


Jennifer said...

isn't it weird what pregnancy does too you. I had the same thing happen to me with the whole hair not shedding but after I had both of mine about a month later it fell out by the handfuls. I thought I was going to lose all of it. Finally it stopped and just now it is growing looks funny because I have all these little spikes sticking up everywhere. Can't wait to see that little bundle of joy hang in there a few more weeks!

Emily said...

haha I've never heard that about the laugh, I bet that's funny! Pregnancy is weird. :) I had the same thing with the hair shedding - and it all started falling out later. I never even noticed it wasn't shedding until it started falling out, so I was nervous for awhile!
I'm so impressed you're all ready for the baby. I've taken my sweet time... nothing is ready.

Sarah said...

Ok, I'm totally jealous of your #3! That has always been the opposite for me. Hmmm... maybe it means you're having a girl! I can't wait for your little bundle. (and I really wanna hear that laugh!)

Team Hoff said...

Keep that broom close by because after the baby comes you're going to need it. I have those spikes sticking up everywhere just like Jen said.