Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Magic Chair

This is Parker's high chair but we also like to call it his magic chair. You see his poops have become less frequent as he has gotten older. He can go 2 to 3 days without pooping. However, every night while I am cooking Parker sits in his high chair and watches me cook. He loves this chair! I guess he feels so comfortable in it that almost every time he is in it he relieves himself! It is the funniest thing too because he will make noises and his face will turn beat red. So now if I feel like it has been too long between poops I will just sit him in his magic chair and wait for it to come. Only once has it been so explosive that we had a huge mess. Yes I do think it's odd that he chooses his high chair (soon to be his eating chair) to do his business, but hey whatever works!! ;)


Emily said...

haha!! One, that's so funny that he has a preferred pooping place. Two, would you have thought a year ago you'd be blogging about poopies??

Sarah said...

So funny! I can't wait to see him again!

Mama Q said...

That is hilarious! I guess eveyrone needs a magical place to get the job done!