Thursday, May 26, 2011

Zoo Day!

     While I was off work I wanted to take Parker to the zoo.  He really likes naming animals and repeating their sounds.  It was a perfect day to go because it was only about 80 degrees outside!  Uncle Clint came along to help me with the boys.
Our first stop...the orangutans!  Parker was so excited he wanted to see more!  Unfortunately the monkeys were not out the day we went so that was a bummer!
Priceless...this was Pierce's face when we saw the Gorilla! Ha!
 Sweet picture of Parker and his Uncle "Kit"

 Love this picture!!

How cool is this picture...the only one's that showed up was Clint and Parker! They were looking at the elephants.

Towards the end we ran into my friend, Caroline and her little girl Callie.  Callie and Parker are 2 days apart in age!
Thanks Uncle Clint for coming along...we had a great day!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Very sweet pictures of Parker and Clint, and you are right, that picture of Pierce is SO funny!